Git and Mercurial
See Git’s website and Mercurial’s website
Git and Mercurial have been popular DVCS technologies for many years. Portals like GitHub make Git, in particular, the default choice for SCM/SVC/source-control. While the Linux Kernel is maintained with Git, and definitely takes advantage of the D-Distributed aspect of the DVCS of Git (in that many divergent versions of kernel can exist over long periods of time), most enterprises are still going to count a single repository as the principal one, and within that a single branch as the long-term “most valuable” code line.
多年来,Git和Mercurial一直是很受欢迎的DVCS技术。像GitHub这样的门户,刻意的用Git作为SCM/SVC/源代码控制的默认选项。虽然Linux内核使用Git进行维护,也利用Git DVCS的D-Distributed方面的优势(因为许多不同版本的内核可能存在很长一段时间),但大多数企业仍然会用以一个仓库作为主,并且用单分支中作为长期的“最有价值的”代码。
It is perfectly possible to do Trunk-Based Development in a Git repository. By convention ‘master’ is the long term most valuable branch, and once cloned to your local workstation, the repository gains a nickname of ‘origin’.
An effective Trunk-Based Development strategy, for Git, depends on the developer maintaining a fork of the origin
(and of master within), and Pull-Requests being the place that ready to merge commits are code reviewed, before being
consumed back into origin:master
. Other branching models use the same Pull-Request process for
code-reviews too - it is the normal way of working with Git since GitHub rolled out the feature.
之前,使用Pull-Requests为合并的代码进行代码审查。其他分支模型也可以使用相同的Pull-Request过程进行代码审查 - 这是GitHub推出这个功能后常用的方法。
Size Limits
Historically, Git and Mercurial were not great at maintaining a zipped history size greater that 1GB. Many teams have reported that they have a repository size larger than that, so opinions differ. One way that you can reach that 1GB ceiling quickly is with larger binaries. As Git keeps history in the zipped repository, even a single larger binary that changes frequently can push the total use above 1GB.
With the likes of correctly configured Git-LFS extension to Git, though, the 1GB limit can be avoided or delayed many years.
Git also has Submodules and
to allow large
federations of modules, within one cloneable set. For their
Android initiative, Google made Git-repo
Root level branches
It’ll be clear later why we mention this, but Git and Mercurial maintain branches from the root folder of the checkout clone, and maintains a single permission for a user in respect of read and/or write on the branch and/or repository.
Future development
There is a suggestion that Mercurial is receiving contributions that will allow it to push into the very repository territory the likes of Google needs.
Git and Mercurial don’t have branch or directory permissions, but some of the platforms that bundle them, add branch permissions.
Linux Torvalds presenting Git to Googlers
Linux Torvalds向Google员工介绍Git
Back in 2007, Linus Torvalds presented his Bitkeeper inspired Git to Googlers in their Mountain View office:
早在2007年,Linus Torvalds就在Mountain View办公室中向Google员工展示了他受Bitkeeper启发而发明的Git:
He had started making it two years before, and it is now the #1 VCS choice. Google had been running their Monorepo style Trunk for a few years at this point, without regret. Some Googlers would later extend their Perforce (see below) setup to allow Git operation of local branches on developer workstations.
Platform Software Choices
- GitHub
- Git, cloud
- GitHub Enterprise
- Git in GitHub’s on-premises edition
- Gitlab
- Git, cloud and on-premises install
- Atlassian’s Bitbucket server
- Git and Mercurial
- RhodeCode
- Git, Mercurial
- Various Collabnet
products and services for Git
Microsoft’s Team Foundation Server
- git, on-premises install
Vanilla Perforce
Perforce is a closed-source, industrial strength VCS. Pixar stores everything needed to make a movie in it, and Adidas store all their designs in it. Until 2012, Google had their Trunk and many tens of terabytes of history in it. They moved off it to an in-house solution as they outgrew it. Perforce is peculiar in that its ‘p4d’ (a single server-side executable binary file) is the whole server and does not need to be installed - just executed.
Perforce is the last VCS technology that ordinarily maintains the read-only bit on the developer workstation. You definitely need a plugin for your IDE to handle the wire operations with the server, so you are not confronted with the fact that source files are read-only. Because the Perforce (p4) client having to involve the server for the flipping of read-only bits in respect of editing source files, it requires a permanent connection to the server. What that facilitates is the speed of operation for very large sets of files on the client. The Perforce server already knows what files need to have updated in your working copy, ahead of you doing ‘p4 sync’ operation. It negates the need for a directory traversal looking for locally changed files, and it means the sync operation can be limited to a second or two.
Historically Perforce was not able to locally show the history of the files within it. It needed that server connection again for history operations. A number of DVCS capabilities in newer versions of Perforce (see below) allow local history now, though.
Perforce allows branches to be set up at any sub-directory, not just the root one. It also allows read and/or write permissions to be specified at any directory (or branch) within large and small source trees.
No Code Review
Perforce does not have code-review features integrated into its traditional server daemon. By customizing a modified Gitlab called GitSwarm ‘side install’, Perforce now has a code review capability. It also has it with an alternate side-install called just Swarm (a slightly older product), that does not offer the Git capability of GitSwarm, but does add in much of the team-ware features like code review.
Git Fusion
There’s a VM appliance from the Perforce people, that can sit in your infrastructure and mediate between the vanilla Perforce server, and your wish to use a pure Git workflow on your development workstation.
Perforce人员有一个VM应用,它可以架设在你的基础设施中,使得可以容易的在vanilla Perforce服务器之间进行协作。你可能希望在开发工作站上使用纯Git工作流。
With a Git Fusion clone from a Perforce repository, and client spec was specified, you get the subsetted representation of the source tree, complete with history. That’s a neat feature. Things checked out through Git Fusion also are not encumbered by the read-only bit feature.
通过使用来自Perforce资源库的Git Fusion克隆,然后指定了客户端规范,你将获得源代码树的子集并同时包含历史记录。这是一个优雅的功能。通过Git Fusion检出的内容也不会受到只读位功能的限制。
GitSwarm kinda replaces this.
p4-git and p4-dvcs
P4-git is very similar to the Git Fusion technology but is not made by the Perforce people themselves. It also does not require the launching of second server appliance (as Git Fusion does).
P4-git与Git Fusion技术非常相似,但并不是由Perforce的人自己开发的。它也不需要启动第二台服务器(Git Fusion需要)。
In 2015, the perforce technologies were extended to include custom DVCS features. All the features of p4-git but without the Git compatibility.
As for Git Fusion, things checked out through p4-git and p4-dvcs are not encumbered by the read-only bit control of p4d.
对于Git Fusion,通过p4-git和p4-dvcs检出的内容不受p4d的只读位控制的影响。
Subversion’s website
Subversion (Svn) has been in development for 16 years and was a sorely needed open-source replacement for CVS. It chases some of the features of Perforce but is developed quite slowly. Nobody has pushed Subversion to the Perforce usage levels, but that is claimed as a possibility.
Subversion, like Perforce, has read and write permissions down to the directory and branch.
Interestingly there is a “Subversion vs Git” website which attempts to counter
some widely held community beliefs about Subversion and how it stacks up to Git.
有趣的是,有一个“Subversion vs Git”的网站试图反驳一些广为之人的关于Subversion以及它如何与Git进行比较。
Note also that the Subversion team themselves, do not do Trunk-Based Development, despite Subversion have default root directories of ‘trunk’, ‘tags’ and ‘branches’ for newly-created repositories.
No Code Review
Note that Subversion has no local branching capability, and to get code review you need to install third-party servers along side it. Or, a better choice, use a platform that integrates code review like those below.
There is an extension to Git that allows it to deal with a Subversion backend. A Git-subversion clone has all the local history, local-branching possibilities of Git. The local branching possibilities afforded by this mode of operation are very handy, and it should work easily with whatever Svn hosting platform you installed.
Note: That clone from subversion can be many tens of times slower, than the equivalent clone from Git, because it is recreating the zipped Git history on the client-side as in uses the classic Subversion wire protocol, which is more chatty. Indeed the initial clone of years of commits for a reasonably sized team can take many hours.
Platform Software Choices
- RhodeCode
- installable on-premises
- Various Collabnet
products and services.
- ProjectLocker
- cloud
- Deveo
- cloud
- RiouxSvn
- cloud
- SilkSvn
- cloud
- Assembla
- cloud and installable on-premises
- XP-dev
- cloud
Team Foundation Server - TFS
Microsoft launched TFS in the mid-2000’s with a custom VCS technology “TFVC”. It is said that they have an internal ‘SourceDepot’ tool that is a special version of Perforce compiled for them in the nineties, and that TFS reflects some of the ways of working of that technology. It has grown to be a multifaceted server platform. Perhaps even a one-stop shop for the whole enterprise’s needs for application lifecycle management. More recently with TFS, Microsoft encouraged a use of Git within it, rather than then proprietary VCS they initially developed.
微软在2005年左右推出了一款 定制VCS技术 “TFVC”的TFS。据说他们内部有一个叫做“SourceDepot”工具,这是一个在九十年代编写的特殊版本的Perforce,而TFS则显示了这种技术的一些工作方式。TFS已经变为一个多方面的服务器平台,甚至是一个一站式的企业应用程序生命周期管理工具。最近在TFS中,微软鼓励在其中使用Git,而不是用最初开发的专有VCS。
TFS is perfectly compatible with a Trunk-Based Development usage.
Note: Microsoft are donating back to the Git community with a Git Virtual File System, which allows some Monorepo
usage for Git.
PlasticSCM is a modern DVCS like Git and Mercurial, but closed-source. It is compatible with Trunk-Based Development and quite self-contained (has integrated code review, etc). Plastic is very good with bigger binaries and comes with an intuitive “Branch Explorer” to see the evolution of branches, view diffs, execute merges, etc. For sizes of individual repositories, multiple terabytes is not unheard of. A least for some of the games-industry customers.
It is also the first modern VCS to have semantic merge - it understands select programming languages and the refactorings developers perform on them. For example “move method”, where that method is 50 lines long, is not 50 lines added and 50 deleted in one commit, it is a much more exact and terse diff representation.
它也是第一个具有语义合并的现代VCS,它理解代码所用的编程语言以及开发人员所进行重构。例如“移动方法”,其中该方法是50行长,在一个提交中并不是添加50行并删除50行,这是一个更加 精确 和简洁的差异表示。
Plastic even calmly handles a situation where one developer moves a method within a source, and another simultaneously changes the contents of the method in its former location. Plastic does not consider that a clash at all, and just does the merge quietly - the method moves and is changed in its new location.